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Confrérie du Sabre d'Or

Commissioned Members' Champagne Party
in the Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster on:
Tuesday 1st August 2017

This Annual Event was FREE for:
all UK Commissioned Members of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or
Note: A Commissioned Member is one who is a fully subscribing Chevalier (or above) of the UK Order.
A Commissioned Member who applies but is a "no show" on the day, will be invoiced £50.
Champagne and fantastic canapés (plenty of them too). Dress: casual.
Started at 6pm, 'till way past 9pm
Ordinary Sabreur-Members were invited
at £30 Guests were charged at £50
Novice Sabrage was available at £10
Generous raffle prizes and a good time had by 165 members and guests! Here's a few pictures taken that evening

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