Confrérie du Sabre d'Or
Merchandise For Sale: Click the image to expand
(see below for ordering information)
These items are awarded to British members only and
are included as part of their investiture​.
In the event of loss, or damage, replacements are available as follows:-
A Gentleman's Collar Badge for Chevaliers of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £30
A Gentleman's Collar Badge for Officers of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £34
A Gentleman's Collar Badge for Commanders of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £34
A Ladies and Gents Star worn by Knight Commanders of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £90
A Ladies Bow for Dame Chevaliers of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £30
A Ladies Bow for Dame Officers of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £34
A Ladies Bow for Dame Commanders of the 'Order of the Golden Sabre' - £34
A gold coloured lapel pin to indicate British Membership of the Confrerie Club - £5
It is also possible for Members of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or
to purchase a French Cavalry Sabre
with which to undertake their own sabrage.
The cost of the Sabre is £330 (for members only) and can be supplied in two ways:
With a black leather scabbard and gold escutcheons (above left)
In a Presentation Case of blue velvet with a cream lining (above right)
A decorative 'Sabre Knot', (looped around the hand to avoid the sabre being lost if dropped during battle) is also available and costs just £20 - see below.
To Order any of the above items:
Please email: