Confrérie du Sabre d'Or

New Members & Promotions during 2016
December 2016
Cassandra Charles-Bagott is appointed a Maître-Sabreur and accredited to the UK Embassy Caveau with effect from the 7th December.
Franck Bruyère is appointed a Maître-Sabreur and the Maître de Caveau at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel - The Caledonian, Edinburgh with effect from 13th December 2016.
We welcome the following New Members to the Order and the Club:
Nigel Free
Iain Meek
Graham Watkins
Jan Watkins
November 2016
We welcome the following new members:
Niall Thompson
Beverley St John Aubin
George Porter
Adam Robinson
Tony Ryan
Beverley St John Aubin was also Intronised as a Chevalier of the Order on 19th November 2016
October 2016
Becoming a Chevalier of the Order at the Institute of Directors in London on 14th October 2016 were:
Paul Dennis
Christopher Hibbert
David Hudson
Hazel Morrow
Robert Morrow
Catherine Nicoll
Serge Pradier
Alexander Price
Becoming an Officier of the Order:
Diana Furlonger
David Cutler
Gillian Kendall
Tim Moore
Becoming a Commandeur of the Order:
George Avory
Kevin Boyle
Ann Rundle
Becoming a Grand Commandeur of the Order:
Judy Tayler-Smith
September 2016
We welcome the following new members who also became Chevaliers of the Order with effect from 14th September:
Harry Shaw
Sally Shaw.
Becoming a Commandeur of the the Order with effect from 14th September:
Officier Craig Bancroft
August 2016
We welcome the following new members:
Carol Braund
Stephen Braund
Peter Lobban
Darrell Stacey
Prem Goyal, OBE
Officier Stefan Otto is re-appointed a Maître-Sabreur and attached to the Caveau "Hotel 41"
July 2016
We welcome the following new member:
Lt Col Leslie Clarke
Promoted to Chevalier on 29thJuly:
Glynn Jones
Rowena Patrick
Audrey Smith
Mike Clare
Rob Ledward-Smith
Appointed the Maître-Sabreur at Danesfield House Hotel:
Anthony Cox
May 2016
We welcome the following new members:
David Godfrey
Louise Fairweather
Adam Armsby
Joanna Cadman
April 2016
Jeffrey Bines becomes a Chevalier with effect from 1st April 2016 and who was also made a Chevalier-Sabreur of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or.
To become Chevaliers with effect from 8th April 2016:
Richard Christou
Tassoula Christou
David Crane
John Foley
Christopher Herron
Ian Jones
Ann Lazenby
David Lazenby CBE
Helen Meenan
John Nunneley
Henry Peacock
Ian Tough
Fenja Zimmermann
The following Chevaliers are promoted to Officers of The Order and invested as Officiers de la Confrérie du Sabre d'Or, with effect from 8th April 2016:
Caroline Arculus
Robin Arculus
Jonathan Curran
Nikki Curran
Isabelle Deniee
William Parker Dean
The following Officiers are promoted to Commanders of The Order and invested as Commandeurs de la Confrérie du Sabre d'Or, with effect from 8th April 2016:
Peter Alvey
David Rundle
Adrian Smith
The following Commanders are promoted to Knight Commanders of The Order and invested as Grand Commandeurs de la Confrérie du Sabre d'Or, with effect from 8th April 2016:
Nathan Evans
Jolyon Griffiths
Peter Richards
The following are appointed Maître-Sabreurs with effect from 8th April:
Shari Casey
Fenja Zimmermann
March 2016
We welcome the following new members:​
Norma Gibbes
David Crane
Annabelle Emney
Ian Tough
Howard Doe
January 2016
We welcome the following new members:​
Henry Peacock
Audrey Smith
Rowena Patrick MBE
Stephen Nagin
Gary Elvin
Sarah Frances
Christopher Herron
Christopher Hayward
Keith Bottomley
Steve Tamcken
Helen Meenan
Tasoulla Christou