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Confrérie du Sabre d'Or
Private Sabrage Events
The Confrérie du Sabre d'Or assists in many bespoke Soirée du Sabrage evenings for individual clients. A selection of pictures from some recent events of this sort are presented below.
Should you wish to have a private Sabrage party or corporate event attended and managed by one, or more of our licensed and fully insured Maître Sabreurs, please contact us (by Clicking Here). If you can provide some details on the planned event, the number of people that you expect to be performing their Novice Sabrage and your location, we will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information and costs.
The Chaîne des Rotisseurs
Christmas Celebration
Pennyhill Park, Bagshot, Surrey
Saturday 8th December 2018
The Worshipful Company of International Bankers at the Old Bailey, London
Tuesday 4th September 2018
Click an image below to expand and scroll through
The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants
at the
Honourable Artillery Company, London
Thursday 5th July 2018
The Oriental Club
Bond Street, London
Saturday 26th May 2018
Birthday Sabrage Party & Intronisation to Officier
of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or.
Held at the home of Lady Eve Bergman
Saturday 9th September 2017
Click an image below to expand and scroll through
In Eve's Garden
Barnaby Cloud
Lady Eve Bergman
César's Wine Club - Sabrage Reception
Held in the William Kent Garden at the Ritz, London
Thursday 10th August 2017
Maître de Caveau - Giovanni Ferlito (Head of Wine and Beverage)
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Champagne & Sabrage!
At the Tattershall Castle, London
Wednesday 5th July 2017
Event Organised by Leisure PR Ltd for
The Stonegate Pub Company
Images by: Cath Harries Photography
The Oriental Club, Bond Street, London
Thursday 1st June 2017
Click an image below to expand and scroll through
The Lansdowne Club, Mayfair, London
Friday 16th September 2016
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